The London Literary Pub Crawl

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Goodbye Olympics 2012

Posted by Simon Plant on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Under: Simon Says.
The London Olympics have been special, we think here at Maverick's Pub Crawl Towers. The writer of the tour, Nick Hennegan, is actually from Birmingham and shared much of the rest of the countrys cynicism about the value for money of the games and its London focus. Most Olympic cities are, as we know, left with a big cash deficit after the games move on. But on reflection, this sporting summer has been about more than just money. The sight and sounds of hundreds of athletes from around the world taking part in their chosen sport and the emotion of some of the winners on the medal podium has been very moving.

And after all, like most of the writers we feature on our tour, these athletes strive for excellence for no other reason than excellence itself. The challenge, commitment and sheer hard bloody work required to be a great sportsperson, or indeed a great writer, has very little to do with hard cash.  It's about passion and belief and dreams. And I think the hardest and most cynical of us have been moved by that. Our human spirits have been nourished a little in 2012.  And we will all be slightly better for it. Cash well spent then.

In : Simon Says. 

Tags: olympics  london  2012  legacy  athletes  excellence  commitment 
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About Us

Nick Hennegan Hello. I'm Nick Hennegan and I started the London Literary Pub Crawl. Most of the blogs on here will be by me. I've always written but my first theatrical success was an adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Henry V' ( I founded Maverick Theatre in 1994. ( This pub crawl is really more a promenade theatre performance than a tour and I'm running it with a bunch of enthusiastic local actors and writers. I love sharing my passion for the area and the artists. I also present a weekly radio show, 'Literary London' on Resonance 104.4fm - London's Arts Station and a podcast on our site. If you haven't visited us in London yet, I hope you'll come soon. Have a look at my new site, And feel free to leave comments or email me at nick @ - I reply to them all and I love to hear from you.


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